Passivity-Based Control for Robust Bipedal Locomotion

This research projects presents a passivity-based controller (PBC) based on a generalized energy expression in the storage function, which defines a novel passive output that accounts for the energy stored and dissipated by an arbitrary inner-loop controller. It is assumed that this inner-loop controller generates a stable limit cycle for the biped on a given slope. The outer-loop passivity-based PBC will then increase the basin of attraction, improve the robustness to the ground slope, and increase the rate of convergence back to the stable limit cycle. The control method is also shown to perform with an arbitrary degree of underactuation in the system.

Journal Articles

  • M. Yeatman, G. Lv, and R. Gregg, “Decentralized Passivity-Based Control with a Generalized Energy Storage Function for Robust Biped Locomotion“, ASME Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control, 141(10): 101007, 2019. PDF

Conference Proceedings

  • M. Yeatman, G. Lv, and R. Gregg, “Passivity-Based Control with a Generalized Energy Storage Function for Robust Bipedal Walking“, American Control Conference, Milwaukee, WI, 2018. PDF